If people are hungry, share your own food with them. Help those people who are in pain. Then your help to them will be like a light that shines in a dark place. You will no longer live in darkness, but you will have light as bright as the sun at noon.
ISAIAH 58:10
Inverclyde Foodbank is part of the i58 project which was set up in 2012
Serving Inverclyde since 2012, Inverclyde Foodbank aims to be a collaborative project that engages with the whole community to tackle hunger and poverty in our local area. Our food bank helps individuals and families through the provision of emergency food and compassionate, dignified support to people locked in crisis.
Find out more Inverclyde Foodbank
The i58 Project / Inverclyde Foodbank To give via bank transfer please use the following details:
Account Name: The i58 Project / Inverclyde Foodbank
Sort Code: 83-22-20 Account Number: 11205112
Or to give via PayPal, click here
#Serving others
Today, there are people in Inverclyde whose lives are being devastated as a result of debt. They may be struggling to feed their families, suicidal, depressed and alone.
Here at Hope Community Church we have partnered with Christians Against Poverty to provide an award winning free debt counselling service and with the compassion of the local church we are seeing many lives changed every year.
If you need help please call FREE on 0800 328 0006 to book an appointment with William Kerr our Debt Coach. Along with a volunteer from the Greenock and Inverclyde Debt Centre, they will visit you at home or at the Church at 44 Kelly Street, Greenock to help you begin your journey out of debt. You can also find more information here: Debt help in Scotland | Christians Against Poverty (capuk.org)
Hope Community Church support Novi, Sheryl and their Family with their ongoing work with Kings Kids in Indonesia.
King's Kids is a children's home based in Malang, East Java, Indonesia. Run by volunteers and relying on fundraising and donations to run. Our heart is to help, bless and serve those who are in our care. All our leaders and staff are working voluntarily and live inhouse with the kids providing round the clock care and attention.
To give via bank transfer please use the following details:
Account Name: Sheryl Black (King’s Kids Indonesia)
Sort Code: 83-22-20 Account Number: 00112805
#Sharing faith #Serving others